Frequently asked questions about RMF - Rømø Motor Festival

FAQ regarding RMF.

Make sure you read all the FAQ questions before contacting the team.


Q: Where at Rømø does the race take place?

A: Lakolk Beach (Google Maps).

Q: Does it cost money to watch the race on the beach?

A: No, its completely free.

Q: Where do I find the racing rules?

A: The main criteria for applying is described on our website, on the race requirements page. Detailed rules and regulations are part of the "welcome package" that we send to all invited drivers and riders.

Q: Where do I find safety rules?

A: At our race requirements page: race requirements.

Q: Where do I find the race requirements to see if my car or bike can participate?

A: At our race requirements page: race requirements.

Q: Who is taking care of the spectators and drivers insurance?

A: All drivers and riders get a FIA race license which includes insurance.

Q: Where do I buy the FIA race license?

A: If you have received an official invitation for the RMF you will also receive an email with a link for buying the mandatory race license.

Q: What documents should I bring to get the FIA race license?

A: To buy the race license you need to fill out the online form and the only document you need to bring to the race is the receipt that confirms that you have paid for the license and your driver's license.

Q: Can I participate in RMF if I am under 18 years?

A: Yes you can participate if you are under 18 years old, but this requires that you are member of a racing club and have a race license.

Q: When will the technical inspection take place?

A: The technical inspection will take place Friday afternoon in Skærbæk.

Q: Where will the drivers meeting take place?

A: Friday afternoon at the "Ferie og Fritidscenter" in Skærbæk.

Q: What does period correct clothing for races, pit crew and press mean?

A: It is mandatory to wear racing suits, jerseys, boots, Vans sneakers and coveralls like they did before WWII and up to 1950. No hoodies, Nike/Adidas, sneakers etc..

Q: How many pit-crew members can I bring?

A: Since we have limited space in the pit area we can only allow up to 2 mechanics/supporters.

Q: Where to park at the beach if I have a trailer, truck or a hauler?

A: All trailers, trucks etc. must be parked at the LEFT hand site of the Lakolk beach entrance.

Q: Is it possible to buy food and drinks at the beach?

A: Yes, there will be several possibilities to buy food and drinks at the beach.

Q: Do I need an extra insurance to be covered at the race?

A: The FIA race license will only cover the spectators, talk to your insurance company if you need a special insurance to participate in the race.

Q: Is it possible to be present when the technical inspection takes place?

A: Yes, as long as you respect the guidelines from the officials and don't interfere.

Q: How do I sign up for the race?

A: You signup through our website: Signup here! Make sure you do it before it closes!

Q: How old do I need to be to participate in the race?

A: 18 years old, if you don't have a valid FIA race license.

Q: Who is issuing the race license?

A: FIA representatives from DASU and DMU will be issuing the license on Friday afternoon.

Q: Are there paramedics and fire fighters at the beach?

A: Yes!

Q: Do you measure vehicle speeds?

A: Yes!

Q: Will there be a prize ceremony?

A: Yes, Saturday night around 21:00 at the party area.

Q: What is the distribution between race cars and bikes?

A: 1/3 bikes and 2/3 cars.

Q: Is it possible to have a co-driver?

A: Yes, but the co-driver needs a separate race license and must be registered when signing up for the race.

Q: Can motorcycles with sidecars participate?

A: Yes, as long as they are not newer than 1947.

Q: Is it possible to sign up for the race if my race car / bike is not road legal and don't have license plate?

A: Yes, as long as all safety and technical requirements are fulfilled, and the car/bike pass technical inspection. Read them here

Q: Is it possible to sign up if my bike or car still is on a project stage?

A: At the Signup time it must be a complete rolling chassie (including motor and transmission) with a body. A complete and finished race bike/car must be presented to us no later than June 1st.

Party and music

Q: Is it possible to buy tickets for the party in advance?

A: No.

Q: Where do I buy tickets?

A: Tickets will be sold at the party area in Skærbæk.

Q: Can I get my ticket refunded, if I for some reason can't attend?

A: No.

Q: How do I pay for the party ticket / wrist band?

A: At the entrance to the party site, cash in hand. We take Danish kroner and Euro's.

Q: When does the party start?

A: There will be a party with live bands both Friday evening and Saturday evening. Live music will start at approx 20:00 AM.

Q: Who are the bands playing at the party?

A: Visit our web site and get a full overview of the bands here: more about the party

Media and sponsors

Q: If I am a photographer how do I get my accreditation?

A: Please contact our Press Office at

Q: Who take care of press and media?

A: Press Officer Thomas Toft Bredahl,

Q: If I would like to become a sponsor, who to talk to?

A: Send an email to

Q: Is it possible to use the RMF logo in our club magazine, on FB, Instagram etc.?

A: NO! Only official sponsors are allowed to use the logo after preapproval.

Media and sponsors

Q: Where can I buy merchandise?

A: There will be a "pop up" shop on the beach and a merchandise shop at the party area.

Q: Where can I see the program for the festival?

A: The program for the weekend to be found at our website: more information

Q: Who to talk to if I would like to sell food and drinks at the beach?

A: The Rømø Motor Festival team has nothing to do with approvals for selling food, drinks etc. at the beach. Please contact "Skov og Naturstyrelsen" in Denmark.

Q: Where can I find a place to stay the night?

A: or check the local tourist information office.

Q: Where do find background information and history of the Rømø Motor Festival?

A: On the RMF History page or the about page.

Q: Can I bring my drone?

A: You need an approval from the Danish police to use a drone during the race and respect Race Officials guide directions.